
Jen Pack

Convenient, effective public transit is the lifeblood of a modern city. Not only does it cut down on car emissions and make our cities more climate-friendly, it also binds our neighborhoods together, providing access to opportunities for those who don’t or cannot drive. We must increase access to basics, like the sidewalks sorely needed in North Seattle and the Southend. We can create vibrant communities where people can walk, bike, ride, or roll anywhere they need to go.


  • Work to implement the Seattle Subway map to truly bind the city and region together. This will massively reduce traffic congestion, carbon emissions, finally build East-West transit, and strengthen our partnerships with nearby cities.
  • Complete our bike lanes and fill in gaps: bikes being forced to weave in and out of traffic as their protected lane ends and restarts creates danger for everyone involved.
  • Address the health of our roads, fix potholes, and right-size our infrastructure. This means maintaining our thoroughfares and pedestrianizing our streets where desired by local communities. 
  • Use engineering techniques to slow cars down and lessen the severity of collisions in the city. This means planting trees to obscure sightlines on long thoroughfares; narrowing lanes—where it is safe to do so—to discourage reckless driving; and fully protecting pedestrians and cyclists from cars.